
Solutions to the energy flow problems

Application tailored

Each application has different requirements. Charging profiles, load profiles differ but also the operational conditions like temperature, mechanical stress as well as available space and weight restrictions. Does the battery operate in space (under vacuum conditions), in wet environments, etc. Therefore we suggest customers start with filling in the Requirements Sheet.

Based on this input we select the best cell type, configure one or more suitable battery configurations, propose an adequate packaging (aluminium, steel, stainless less, ….), and add the required safety devices like fused switches, touch-safe connectors and cables, voltage indicators, etc.  

Hybrid Supercapacitors

Produced in volume, these cells use an activated carbon nanomaterial in a metal housing. Little rare earth materials are used and the recyclability is high. With a low internal resistance, they not only contain as much energy as most lithium-based cells on the market but provide up to 10 or 20x more current without overheating. Safe and ready for lifelong charging and discharging.

Cells are available in volume for your own assembly of batteries but require our engineering assistance if no BMS is used.

Customer-specific cells can be developed on demand. See

Following the success of the hybrid supercapacitors, has now made it public that cell production and battery assembly licenses are available. Customers need to acquire a license depending on the anticipated volume and royalties for the IP rights. We assist with the set-up of the factory.

Feel free to contact us for more information.

Cells assembled into module.

Cells can be assembled in almost any configuration to reach a specific Voltage and Current capability, providing a specific Power capability. Such battery modules are our first level building blocks. They can be assembled according to customer or application specific configurations. delivers Voltage specific modules that can be put in parallel. Serial connection is not supported.

Modules grouped into racks

Modules can be grouped into racks to provide higher Voltages, Current and Power capabilities. A typical rack can deliver 10 to 50 kWh and has it own monitoring system, that can be read out remotely.

Racks grouped into containers 

Racks can be grouped into containers or sheltered buildings to provide higher power capabilities. Containers can deliver up to several MWh depending on Voltage and Current Requirements. These can be remotely monitored and managed.